Korean Lessons contain short step-by-step materials for you to study Korean with. It starts with some fundamental features of the Korean language, Hangul, and basic sentence structures. It is based on the lecture notes of my Korean class.
Lesson 1 | Fundamental features of Korean language |
Lesson 2 | Hangul, the Korean alphabetic system |
Lesson 3 | Some phonological notes |
Lesson 4 | Base form and stem in a predicate |
Lesson 5 | Forming predicates with verbs, adjectives, and nouns |
Lesson 6 | Subject markers |
Lesson 7 | Object markers |
Lesson 8 | Who? What? Where? |
Lesson 9 | This ‘n that, here ‘n there |
Lesson 10 | Styles of speech — a broad picture |
Lesson 11 | Numbers (I) — General description and Chinese numbers |
Lesson 12 | Numbers (II) — Native Korean numbers |
Lesson 13 | Locative markers (-e and -eso^) |
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