言 말씀언 |
words, speech; talk, speak, express; mean | 言語[언어]language, speech 言及[언급]allude to, mention 言行[언행]words and action, speech and action |
行 갈행 |
walk; do; action, behavior | 行動[행동]behavior, conduct; action, movement 行事[행사]conduct, actions; a function, an event 行方[행방]whereabouts |
多 많을다 |
much, many, mostly | 多少[다소]many and few; some; quantity, amount 多幸[다행]good fortune, good luck 多情[다정]kindness, humaneness |
得 |
obtain, gain, attain, acquire |
得點[득점]score, earn points; the score 得票[득표]number of votes received 得失[득실]gain and loss; advantages and disadvantages; merits and demerits |
失 잃을실 |
lose, neglect, miss, err; ommission | 失敗[실패]fail, blunder, miscarry 失望[실망]be disappointed; despair 失手[실수]make a mistake, err, blunder |