心마음 심 |
heart, nature; core; center; affection |
心理[심리] (of) a mental state, ways of mind 心情[심정] affection; one’s feelings 心臟[심장] the heart |
平평평할 평 | level; ordinary; peaceful; weigh |
平和[평화] peace, tranquility, harmony 平均[평균] average, mean 平等[평등] equal, even, impartial |
正바를 정 |
true; correct, right, straight; just at |
正確[정확] be precise, correct, exact 正式[정식] proper(regular) form 正當[정당] just, right, proper |
內안 내 |
inside, within; wife, woman |
內容[내용] the substance, details; contents 內部[내부] the interior, the inner part 以內[이내] within |
外바깥 외 | outside; foreign; extraordinary |
外國[외국] a foreign state 內外[내외] inside and outside; husband and wife 外交[외교] diplomacy |
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